Investing in startups is extremely risky, and there is a very high risk that you will lose all your money. If you want to minimize this from happening, you better take our advice into account. Next, we will explain how to invest in startups successfully

What Differentiates Investing In Startups

To begin with, when you invest in startups, you invest in the very early stages of the life of a company. When they still have very little income, or even before having it. And there is the courage of business angels when it comes to betting on it.

These Companies Have Products Or Services That They Have Yet To Validate:

  • That potential customers are willing to pay for it
  • That the company can profit from those sales

Therefore, they are very high-risk investments, the company closes, and the entire investment is lost. Or that everything goes great and you see your investment multiplied in a while.

What Is A Startup?

Startups are usually technology-based or Internet-based companies that take advantage of technology to offer innovative solutions, with significant competitive advantages over traditional companies.

What is it Like to Invest In A Startup?

Some characteristics that define this type of operation are very few liquid investments. The valuations can skyrocket and are based entirely on future expectations and not on the actual situation.

In short, investing is always a combination of risk and return, whereas investing in startups is a very high risk, with very, very high potential.

Therefore, if you are going to embark on this exciting adventure Must acquire some training base on how to invest in startups. Or that you notice and learn from how those who already have some experience do it.

What is a Business Angel?

Business angels play an essential role in the entrepreneurial landscape and become more important year after year in the investment sector.

Although there is still a long way to go in Spain, the truth is that the number of private investors in startups, such as business angels or venture capital, continues to grow, and their potential is increasing. And this why?

Startups are emerging companies and, therefore, risky businesses. However, they are also scalable companies with excellent growth potential, adapting very quickly to the market demands.

Several of the most renowned investors at the national level meet at EDEM once a year to share everything they know with the students.

How to Find Successful Startups?

It is said that a reasonable investor manages to access successful startups to invest in, but of course, how do you find those opportunities if you are starting?

Here Comes The Famous Deal Flow.

A startup ecosystem with many peculiarities, specialized agents, and dynamics can be challenging to understand if you are not part of it.

Well, if you are starting, some of the ways to find successful startups to invest in are:

Tips For Successful Investing In Startups

How to Investing in Startups?

If you want to start investing in startups but you are not sure where to start, we recommend that you read these ten tips to support them better :

1. Invest Only the Money

The possibility that the investment goes wrong and you lose your money is very high. Therefore, you should only invest in startups if your financial situation is stable and you do not have economic problems.

From here on, consider it a “lost fund” investment and invest only the money you do not need in short/medium term and that, therefore, you can afford to lose.

2. Define Your Entry And Exit Strategy.

Contrary to what happens when we invest long-term in the stock market, market timing is crucial if you invest in startups. You must analyze the market to decide the ideal time to enter a company. When to leave, and we warn you that this is not easy.

If you invest by entering too late, you may get little or no profit because it has been distributed by those who have arrived before you. Likewise, if you decide to withdraw your investment capital too early, you could miss out on making money.

3. Difference Value of Earnings.

A startup can have an extraordinarily innovative idea, giving it great value. However, this idea may not be easy to make a profit in the short or medium term.


It is a risky investment and for which you must have excellent knowledge. Therefore, if you prefer to invest more efficiently, we recommend investing in Index Funds and ETFs. If, despite this, you are determined to invest in startups