We are looking to set up content services for your business and don’t know where to start? Here is an in-depth guide on the key features and differences between content marketing and copywriting.

With this information, you can determine what you need to apply in your business and make the best decision to invest your resources most efficiently.

Content Marketing vs. Copywriting

Content Marketing vs. Copywriting. What service to choose?

In this article, we want to dive deep into two fundamental content generation techniques that are related and mutually reinforcing, although they have different purposes.

Content manager or editor? Learn about each technique and how to find the best one for your business needs.

ContentMarketing. What is it then what is it used for?

Content marketing is a technique of developing and distributing useful, valuable, and quality content to attract and engage with a business’s target audience.

However the primary goal of content marketing not direct sales but rather attracting and generating interest in a brand from a specific audience.

Content marketing is used in inbound strategies to engage prospects and educate them about a topic, product, or service. Content marketing elements must provide practical and relevant information to resolve any doubt, problem, or need.

  • blog posts
  • electronic books
  • video marketing
  • infographics
  • newsletters

Benefits of Content Marketing

A well-applied content marketing strategy can generate multiple benefits:

  • Boost website SEO. Google prioritizes websites with high-quality content that is updated frequently.
  • Improve brand image and brand awareness. It can improve brand awareness through content that connects with consumers and identifies them.
  • Promote loyalty. With quality content, brands can retain users by providing value even after the sale.
  • Improve customer service. Creating content that can answer frequently asked questions (tutorials, videos, or infographics) makes it easier for users to use the company’s product
  • Position a company as a reference. Relevant content allows brands to position themselves as references and authorities in their industry.

Return on Investment of Content Marketing

Content Marketing ROI is a metric used to calculate projections of the return on investment achieved in creating content to attract prospects.

This indicator allows you to understand the best investments and which content needs to be optimized or wholly changed.

To measure the ROI of a content strategy and get the most accurate results possible, you need to be very thorough. It is essential to understand that ROI calculation varies depending on the defined goals.

Some costs could be:

  • We are hosting the site.
  • Production of content.
  • Advertising and sales channels (social networks, email marketing).
  • Analysis Tools.
  • Image databases.
  • Audio and video recording devices.

Within income, we can include:

  • Organic Traffic.
  • Some leads.
  • Exchange rate.
  • Amount of sales.
  • Some customers.
  • The average revenue per customer.

As we see here, it is possible to calculate the ROI. But it must be evident which variables into the calculation.

Copywriting. What is it, and how does it works?

Copywriting is a technique for writing persuasive copy for marketing and sales. It can be used for all types of content: websites, catalogues, advertisements, commercial letters, or emails.

The main area of copywriting is to persuade a user to decide or take a specific action. This could be buying creation. Downloading the app, or following a social media account. In contrast to content marketing, copywriting pursue short-term goals.

Content marketing and copywriting are both important aspects of marketing and advertising, but they serve different purposes.

More about Content Marketing vs. Copywriting

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. The goal of content marketing is to build trust and relationships with the audience, establish authority, and ultimately drive profitable customer action. It can take many forms, including blog posts, social media content, videos, podcasts, and more.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is the art of writing persuasive text that encourages people to take a specific action. The goal of copywriting is to persuade the audience to buy a product, sign up for a service, or take some other desired action. Copywriting is often used in advertisements, landing pages, email marketing, and other forms of direct marketing.

While both content marketing and copywriting aim to engage and persuade an audience, the main difference between them is the focus. It aims to educate, inform, and entertain the audience to build trust and loyalty, while copywriting aims to convince and persuade the audience to take action.

In practice, content marketing and copywriting often work together to achieve marketing goals. It creates a platform for delivering valuable content to the audience, while copywriting provides the necessary call-to-action to drive conversions.


You already take all the tools you need to identify the creation service your business needs: content marketing or copywriting.

Do you want to boost your digital advertising campaigns? Hire an editor. Do you want to inform and retain your leads? Hire a content professional. However, do you want to create overall strategy that guarantees positive results? The joint work of the two professionals may be the best way to achieve this.